
Are you interested in finding the best furniture, rehabbing old pieces or repairing used furniture? Click here for more information.

Take Your Tastes To The Next Level With Custom Made Home Furniture

17 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you are looking to get new furniture at home, either for your new build or as part of your fit out exercise, you should settle for nothing less than custom furniture. And here's why. Let your furniture express your style Everyone has a very distinct taste when it comes to things such as furniture. A dining set that looks good in another house may not fit with the style inside your home. Read More …

Tips to Enhancing Your Home Décor

3 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When most people think of updating their home décor, they assume that it is going to be a costly affair and just not worth breaking the bank for. As such, you will find homeowners trying to incorporate modern pieces to their outdated décor and this results in a confused mess. The good news is, updating the interior design does not have to cost an arm and a leg. Here are some recommendations that can come in handy in improving the appearance of your home without you having to spend more than you can afford to. Read More …

Furniture Choices for Mexican Interior Design

22 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Mexico has one of the most incredibly vibrant cultures on the planet. With incredible arts and crafts traditions and vibrant colours everywhere, it's little wonder that so many people try to capture some of that Mexican spirit in their own homes. Painting your house in bright colours is a great start, but this will only take you so far in creating an authentically Mexican feel. To take things to the next level, you have to invest in key pieces of furniture that will tie the design together completely. Read More …

How To Restore Vintage Teak Garden Furniture

20 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have an old piece of teak furniture in your garden that's looking rather the worse for wear, don't be tempted to just throw it out!  With a little time and effort, you can easily restore vintage teak furniture to its former glory.  Read on to find out how. What you'll need washing-up liquid warm water soft brush fine grain sandpaper clean, dry cloth teak oil paint brush You can obtain everything you need for this project from a good DIY store. Read More …

About Me
Frannnie's Fancy Furniture Blog of Tips and Ideas

Want to learn how to choose the best furniture pieces? Interested in rehabbing old pieces? Want to learn to repair furniture? Then, you need to check out my blog posts. Hi, my name is Frannie, and I love furniture and style. I decided to gather my favourite tips and ideas and publish them in this blog. I hope you like the results. In addition to blogging and always working on a new piece of furniture, I love spending time with my pets. I have two birds and a dog, and I also board a horse, Ruby, who I love to spend time with. Enjoy these posts and thank you for reading!