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Three Simple Tips To Ensure You Always Get A Good Queen Mattress

27 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Mattresses are one of the most important purchases of any new or renovated bedroom, as you spend a large portion of your day either asleep or falling asleep on them. The queen mattress is popular for both singles and couples, with its expansive size just big enough to make sense for most bedrooms but not too big so that it is clunky and in the way. If you are looking to replace an old queen mattress it can be confusing to know what you should be looking for. Read More …

Four Reasons To Invest In A High-Quality Bed

29 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The trick to maintaining a frugal and financially sustainable lifestyle is knowing when to make savings and when to make investments. When you're furnishing your home, there are plenty of places where you can cut back on costs - but there are also a few items you'll want to spend as much as you can on to ensure they'll do their job perfectly and last as long as possible. Your bed is one of those things, and this list will explain why that is. Read More …

4 Useful Additions To Include In Your Custom Built Wardrobe

4 April 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Having adequate storage is an important consideration for most homeowners. This is particularly true in the bedroom, where space is often at a premium and you don't want the room to feel cluttered or crowded. For this reason, many people are choosing to have a custom built wardrobe installed. A custom built wardrobe gives you the ability to tailor make the size and configuration of your bedroom storage to perfectly suit your needs. Read More …

Interstate Removals: A Couple of Tips to Moving Your Furniture

19 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog

One of the arduous tasks you have to engage in when embarking on an interstate move is the moving of your heavier furniture items. Whether it is into self-storage or if you have chosen to load and unpack the moving truck on your own, a lot of effort, as well as care, has to be taken to ensure that the pieces of furniture do not acquire damage during this process. A mistake that is commonly made is assuming that all you need to do is ensure that the pieces are gotten out of the house and into the new home in one piece. Read More …

Grilling On The Go: Choosing The Right Barbeque Fuel For Caravanning Holidays

30 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Compact, portable barbeques are enormously popular amongst caravan and camper trailer owners, providing delicious grilled foods and keeping unnecessary cooking heat out of your mobile home. However, the fuel you choose for your barbeque can drastically affect its performance, especially while on the road, and it's important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each fuel type before you drop your hard-earned cash. Charcoal For many barbeque enthusiasts charcoal barbeques are the only game in town, and its easy to see why. Read More …

About Me
Frannnie's Fancy Furniture Blog of Tips and Ideas

Want to learn how to choose the best furniture pieces? Interested in rehabbing old pieces? Want to learn to repair furniture? Then, you need to check out my blog posts. Hi, my name is Frannie, and I love furniture and style. I decided to gather my favourite tips and ideas and publish them in this blog. I hope you like the results. In addition to blogging and always working on a new piece of furniture, I love spending time with my pets. I have two birds and a dog, and I also board a horse, Ruby, who I love to spend time with. Enjoy these posts and thank you for reading!